The Purr-suit of Happiness: Unexpected Ways Your Vet Can Help

A trip to Shuler Veterinary Clinic can reveal surprising ways we care for your furry friends.  Beyond the routine check-ups and vaccinations, veterinarians can work wonders in surprising ways. We offer fun testimonials from a few of our favorite patients to illustrate how their veterinary visits were anything but ordinary. Max the beagle: "My vet [...]

Slobbery Situation: Why Does My Dog Pant?

As a dog owner, you have likely seen your furry friend pant after vigorous exercise, during hot weather, or when they're excited about seeing another dog. Dogs pant frequently, and while the behavior may seem like a simple quirk, panting is a vital mechanism for their health and well-being. Our Shuler Veterinary Clinic team explains [...]

5 Facts Every Pet Owner Needs to Know About Chronic Kidney Disease

If your pet’s kidneys become diseased, they can experience a cascade of health issues that lead to a poor quality of life. While chronic kidney disease (CKD) has no cure, the condition can be successfully managed to provide your pet with several months and potentially years of a comfortable quality of life. Learn how our [...]

Could It Be? How to Tell If Your Pet Has Cancer

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in adult pets, and diagnosed cases are on the rise. Each year in the United States, 6 million new cases are diagnosed in dogs, and an equal number in cats. About one in three dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime, and 50% of dogs [...]

The Final Farewell: Knowing When to Say Goodbye to Your Pet

For the majority of pet owners, pets are not just animals; they are also cherished family members. They bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love into the lives of everyone they touch. However, there comes a time in every pet owner's journey when they must face the difficult decision of saying “Goodbye” to their beloved companion. [...]

Guarding Your Feline Friend: Understanding Common Viral Diseases in Cats

Feline viral diseases are a significant concern for cat owners. These diseases, caused by various viruses, can affect cats of all ages and breeds and lead to a range of symptoms from mild discomfort to severe illness and potentially death. Understanding the most common viral diseases that cats can contract is essential for pet owners [...]

6 Questions to Ask When Choosing a New Pet

Pets bring people joy in many different ways. Some people want a pet to care for and observe, others want protection, and some want a pet who can be an exercise buddy, snuggle pal, or devoted companion. Deciding that you want a new pet is easy, but choosing a species or breed that fits well [...]

9 Tips for Stress-Free Veterinary Visits

Does your cat run for cover when you pull out their carrier? Does your dog tremble in fear when you pull into the vet clinic’s parking lot? A veterinary visit may cause your four-legged friend to feel anxious. However, these appointments are necessary for your pet’s health and well-being. Our Shuler Veterinary Clinic team offers [...]

Call of the Wild: Help Your Cat Express Natural Behaviors

Indoor cats may not have the opportunity to roam and hunt like their outdoor counterparts, but they can still lead fulfilling lives. Understanding their natural behaviors and providing mental enrichment can ensure your indoor cat stays mentally and physically stimulated. Our team at Shuler Veterinary Clinic offers tips that will help your curious kitty explore [...]

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